Emotional Roller Coaster
Until I started this page + shared this progress more openly, I felt I was living a double life at times. There was our reg. day-to-day activities, strategizing for my coaching business (by the end of this year I couldn't wait to get a course created online to help empower other women), and then WHAM a doctor's appointment with all discussions of "cancer" would knock me back to reality.
A new + temporary reality.
There's a Change Curve we use in the Corporate world. I created something similar to document the emotional coaster of the past few weeks.
It's ok. I'm ok. I promised to be transparent on this page and as soon as the tears started, I was called to capture it. Unfiltered.
While we have had many good moments, there are a few not-so-good moments, and I felt it's important to show that here on this journey.
Also, if I could pick a specific time in my life to have been given this diagnosis, it's now.
I am the strongest I've EVER been mentally and emotionally!
I won't back down!
I'm stronger than my problems!
And I firmly believe He only gives us what we can handle!
#unfiltered #iamstrongerthanmyproblems #Heonlygivesuswhatwecanhandle