Totally a ‘nesting’ weekend here at the Raap’s!
Ya’ll I was vacuuming + conditioning the couches !! It was like Spring Cleaning! So much fun!!
Another big item…We lowered our bed so I can roll out of bed instead of jump down (best way to describe it). And by “lowering” the bed, we had (yes, “had”, I’m a little OCD) to move the bed, vacuum + dust + wash 4 sets of sheets.
The hospital gave us tons of printouts for pain management, pre + post-surgery info. Those are now all organized and in their respective places (ie pain management in a bin for the drugs + thermometer. How to clean out drains in our bathroom, etc.)
And I reorganized my office! It feels so great!!
Now, where should I place this latest purchase my lil’ sis created and sells? (
Should it go in the bathroom or in my office?