Day 5 Monday Morning

Feeling blah, but surviving! Glad the kids and Chadly are here...they're entertaining.

Had super strange dreams last night and woke up a couple of times trying to rotate to sleep on my side (which is a big no-no)! I took a nap in the recliner at 8 AM with no shame. :-)

Medically: stopped taking oxi as of yesterday a.m. and still feeling ok w/ Tylenol + Advil rotation and pain relief. Changed draining the drains to 2 x's per day vs. 4.


No lifting <5 lbs.

Sleep elevated on my back for 4 weeks.

Keep arms hanging straight down at sides to "t-rex"/bent at 90 degrees. No lifting them higher than waist level. Chad gets to give me showers He's so lucky. lol


There's soreness where each drain is coming out of my body, which is located on my sides (last pic in the gallery, so don’t look if you get queasy!). Knew these drains, named "Happy" and "Grumpy" would be the worst part after surgery.

My bandage consists of strips of white where the incisions are. The first thing they removed was the lymph nodes, which are kind of under my armpit. The larger bandage is what I consider a clear Saran Wrap. Literally a huge see-thru Saran Wrap from one side to the other side of my body. At times it feels heavy and tight. And it itches... can't wait to peel that off!!

Because of previous surgery, incisions are across the boobs instead of under them.

I have some bruises but don't feel them at all. One spot is where a nurse tried to put an IV in. Two others were where the nerve blocker injections went (these really helped me not need as many pain meds after surgery).

Next Steps:

  • Plastics will call me for a 1-week follow-up appt. This is when they'll remove the Saran Wrap and fit me into a tight bra.

  • 1/4/22 Oncology appointment. I'm already anxious to find out the final pathology report from surgery!

Hugs, Trish


Day 5 Monday Night


Day 4 Sunday